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Bruckner Mass in E Minor

Sat, March 08, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm, Church of the Assumption 435 Amherst St, Buffalo, NY 14207

Anton Bruckner Mass No. 2 in E minor for Mixed Choir and Wind Ensemble

Robert Pacillo, conductor


Western New York premiere of Bruckner’s 1882 edition

University at Buffalo Choir, special guests, Claudia Brown, director

Instrumentalists are members of the Buffalo Musicians’ Association


Harmonia will also perform Poulenc’s Un soir de neige, Bruckner’s Christus factus estand works of Barton, Hagenberg, Quartel, and Parker 


Church of the Assumption

435 Amherst Street

Buffalo, NY 14207

$25 admission

Tickets available on Eventbrite and at the door

$10 students​ with ID, Free for 12 and under

Reception to follow


Christus factus est—Anton Bruckner

The Universe Within You—Stephen Barton

A Farewell—Elaine Hagenberg

Un soir de neige—Francis Poulenc

The Birds’ Lullaby—Sarah Quartel

Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal—arr. Alice Parker


Mass in E Minor—Anton Bruckner


Read the program notes by Michael Harris